Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday Tattoo Rumble >>> What-up !!!

Hey what-up? Yep!! I'm still here!

Let's skip the part where I rant in length about my way too crazy busy times and lack of mental breathing space and let's just cut to the chase and get right to the point ... Right!

So ... The day's doings has unfortunately become a weekly rumble and in the last few days I've been finishing lots of older stuff! 3 sleeves and a bunch of "half-sleeves" too! Some people came in for touch-ups, some people came in to get their last sitting and a few came in for some sweet sweet "one-shots" !!! Not all are pictured here for un-photoableness reasons! Some shots are pretty glary and so on ... But I'm sure you'll figure it all out! So here's the week's tattoo rumble galore !!

Second and final sitting on this piece from early 2009 >>>

Bacon love "one-shot" >>>

Collect them all! 1100 points and about to hit a bonus round!! This intense 3D video game is not for the soft >>>

And today's session .... The last session on this one before I leave, sadly not the final session just yet though ... The power of ROCK >>>

Hope you like!!
More P P Postings tomorrow!!

Got to run again for my time here is running out quickly and alas, lots still needs be done!


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