And everything slows down...

Lots and lots of doodling action lately! However, nothing much to show yet! Nothing's really finished, you see! Well... that top one's just a tease... So you have something to look at cuz it's been like forever since I last Plogged!

Just a chick ... A local MK chick ... Who happens to be wearing shiny pants ... Which funny enough is one of my favourite things! But that's it ... Nothing to write home about! I wonder if she's thinking of calling someone or thinking of getting a new phone ... Or maybe someone just texted her and it's buzzing in her shiny pants... ? She looks happy so I guess that's the important part! Ok ... Yeah ... Can you guess I don't really have much to write about today? Well yeah! So ... If you don't mind I'm gonna go and pass out now!!! Long busy days down here!!!

Keep an eye on the ANCOM soon ... Mucho Heart of Darkness shots coming asap!!!!!

Stay fresh and I'll post ya some more tomorrow!!!

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