Wednesday, June 3, 2009

In the workshop !

Welcome to all !

Today's doings , among other things , include some tat-action tat-making ... A new piece was started today and here it is ! You see ... This little girl would rather stay in her room and make her own contraptions than go outside and play !! She makes her own toys !! This is her room/workshop and a few of her latest creations !! Whatever you do , don't bother her when she's at work !

First some red & black ! You know the routine ... Red for me / black for her !

Then just about 4 hours of scratches , lines and a bit of black !!

The light's pretty sweet ! Love to do environments without cheating the light too much !!! Wait till you see the colour on this one ! It'll be a little masterpiece !!

Until then , drop by again tomorrow if you're bored ... A new piece might get started too !!

I'll spare ya the day's politics but I doubt you'll be so lucky tomorrow !!!!

Laters !

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