Sunday, June 21, 2009

Manufactured doom !!

As promised ... Friday's day at the office !!

Brown Vs Bluegrey !? Bluegrey wins (Yes , I've just decided you could write it that way ! Blue + grey = Bluegrey ! It's official !! That's how smart I am ... Invent new words like all the time ! Rock !!) So yeah ! Bluegrey it was ! Background colour (Murky sky) will end-up red or at least red-ish ! So should all give a sweet colour punch , once it's all done ! Next session in Rotterdam in September ! Keep an eye then ... This is gonna be a super piece !!

Pipe heaven !!

In other news ... Just sent a few CD's with a bunch of pictures all around the world (The tattoo magazine world) so might see some in a quality publication near you ! Thought it had been a while !

Tomorrow , I promise a good shot of the last "Lost princesses" piece all framed and perty !!!

Now ? ... Doodle time !

Stay real !

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