Friday, July 24, 2009


You hold the Guinness , I'll hold the tacos !!

The San Diego Comicon is the biggest awesomest show on earth !! If you happen to be an art geek like me and Jesse , that is ! If you find yourself remotely interested in anything cool at all , going to this show quickly becomes very overwhelming ! Just too much awesome rad awesomeness for one mind to grasp !!!!!! Those shots are pretty much all I had time to get of the whole show !!! I was busy ...

Let's just say this ... Making my way through the 200 000 people , in the last two days , I have seen a lot of crazy awesome new and old stuff !! Adding new prints , originals and super rad crazy art and comic books to my collection !! I managed to find Scot Eder (My awesome art pusher) the first day !!! He relieved me of 2Grand , however , made me the Happiest Electric Pick out there !! Thanks to him I scored an original oil from Master Ashley Wood who I got to meet and chat for a minute with !! And 2 original illustrations from Master Dave Cooper's new book !!!! Also managed to hook up with Master James Jean who left an awesome doodle in my sketchbook , making that page one of my new most prized possessions !! Add a few crazy books and awesome hang out time with artists I admire and that's the sum of this year's Comicon !!!!

I recommend it to all of ya out there !!!! It is absolutely the most rad show on earth !!

Here's what I managed to reap this year !!!

More awesome stories very soon , as tonight is the start of some hard core hang out time with the San Diego Artists crew , old and new homies to chill with !!

Most probably some doodles very soon too !!!!

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