Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Late night at the shop ...

More south west NAmerican coast tat-action madness !!

Here's the tat-post you were waiting for !! Two last days worth of shop action ...

First of all ... Yesterday's work ! Let's just say it didn't go as planned ! Buddy had a hard time on his neck and well ... Kinda sucks he didn't make it but I know it's not the best spot to get anything done !!! Here's how far we got ! 2 hours worth ! Mat's gonna have to wait now ... Unless a trip to Denmark is all he ever wished for and finishing his neck , the best excuse to go and finally see the little mermaid !!

And then , and then ... Today ... Chille-dog came back down to get the other side of his lower arm done !! We had done an interstellar squadron leader in action , last year ... Check it out !! This year we did some more space rad mega action !!! Monkey pilot captain here got shot down and is having a rough day at enemy zapping work !! Let's just say , he's seen better days than this one ! For your viewing plog-o-matic pleasure !! Behold , another super one-shot >>>>>

You're starting to know the drill ... Red/Black

And the finale ... 5 hours worth !

Kablammo !

More tat-a-matic San Diego magic tomorrow !! Until then , have a gay old time , wherever you are !

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