Wednesday, July 22, 2009

No-bo-dy knows ....

Yesterday's NAmerican doings , today !!

Yesterday was a long day at the office , let me tell ya !! Not used to days like that !! It's a hard life for those who , like me , strife to stay lazy !!! A daily struggle , that's for sure !!

Well ... After the weekly hundreds of requests I've been getting asking me "Nick !! Nick !! What would death in a jazz bar look like ???" I can finally end your sleepless nights and give you that answer !!! You asked ... You shall receive !! Here's how it went >>>>>>>>

For 7 and a half hours worth , not only did the elite of the elite find a new comrade to share the ever so wonderful title of "Trooper" but also only a half hour short from the almost untouchable title of "SUPER TROOPER" (a very small crew , worry not) !! This also happens to be , most probably the biggest "one-shot" I've ever done (I think) !! A one sit half sleeve !!! So ... Many firsts and an absolute wonderful piece !!! Was pretty happy about it wen I first got the mail asking me if I wanted to do a piece like that , a few months ago ! But it came out way more mad awesome !!!! True storry !!!! With no further delay ......... Behold , Death in a jazz bar !!

You know the drill ... Red for me , Black for him !

The completely finished product , 7 and half hours later !!

No-bo-dy knows the trouble I've seen ... No-bo-dy knows ... The sorroooooooowwwww ...

Today's a day off so you won't catch me anywhere near a tattoo shop !! However , lots of time to doo doo doodle !!!

Plog ya tomorrow with more incredible uncensured mad awesome NAmerican adventures !!!

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