Saturday, July 11, 2009

Packing time ...

Last day at the office , this Summer !

Last dude of the week came down from Norway for a 6 hour one shot !!! Yes yes !!! A new trooper for the list !!! So ... Trooper dude got a one shot !! Oh how I love love one shots !!!! We had to hurry at the end (due to his travel arrangements) and didn't actually finish it all (missing the heads of the office dudes) ! But pretty much almost all done ! This piece will be back next year and then , we'll make this piece a sleeve ! So ... Might make more sense with the rest of the sleeve done !! But here's the one shot of the day ... For your viewing pleasure >>>>>

Break time !

You'll have to excuse me but I forgot , completely forgot , to take a picture of the marker doodle sketch before we started so ... No red and black today !!

In other news ... I'll be packing for the next two days and will do my best to Plog ! Sure I'll find a second for ya !!


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