Thursday, July 2, 2009

Pub-station !

G'day , g'day !!

You'll have to excuse me ... I was gonna post this last night at the end of the day but decided to go hang out at the pub instead ! So here's yesterday's doings !! Yesterday's tat-action , today >>>>

Mr. Chad came back for a final session on his super sleeve ! Turned out it wasn't the final session after all ! Next one will be the last , for sure !! Promise ! We did , however manage to link the top story (Flying peach) with the bottom one (br'er rabbit) !! Therefore , making it a complete sleeve !! Here's today's shots ... Some green , some green and then some more and then also some birds and then , and then , Allan got really excited for some reason !!

Next time ... We get the inside of the arm all done and maybe even some good shots for the blog too !!

Until then ... Back to work for me ! Today's doings include a hottie on an arm and that's all I'll say about it now !!

Plog ya later tonight !

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