Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ahoy !!

From my cabin this morning >>>

Just made it onboard my beautiful new temporary headquarters and all is good !! However , I have some sad news for you all ... Plog followers of the world !! The Captain has just informed me that there would be ...... No internet during this trip !! And by No internet ... He actually meant ... None at all what so ever (just like in medieval times) !! Apparently the satellite thing-a-ma-jig is for positioning and in special cases , e-mails (2 hours per mail) so yeah ! I'm very sorry to have to say that our next Plog-appointment will have to be around the 25/26th of August , once I'm back home in Europe !!!

Take care out there and I'll Plog ya when I hit the solid ground again with most probably a hella-of-a-lot of stuff !!!!

Beware pirates >>> Here I come !!! AAAAaaaaarrrrrrrrrr !

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