Friday, August 7, 2009 time , on the Electric Plog >>>>

So yeah ... Hello again , faithful Plog-followers !!

Have had a very busy last few days !! San Francisco is an awesome town , let me tell ya !! Just had the best time ever since I've been here !! But I've been a bit behind on my plogging lately so if you don't mind ... let's catch-up , shall we !!

Last time , on the Electric Plog >>>> I was still in L.A. ...

I had a lot of stuff to do before I left and sadly had to cancel a few , I however , managed to get most of it done !! One of the better things of the said day was to get to meet (more properly) and get to draw and hang with Mr.Craola at his fancy studio !! Anybody who ever met him knows this but I just got too so I got to say this ... That guy has to be the coolest , nicest , most genuine person in the biz !! Here's some of what happened at this few hours long doodle party !!

Doodle madness !!

Followed by a trip up the hill and a fancy shmancy burger at the "Lucky Devil" on Hollywood Blvd. and that's a pretty cool day !! Mhm ... Yep !

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