Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Funt Cart !

Early morning edition !!

She fallen and she can't get up !

That's right !! It's the crack of 2 and here's a quick post with some interesting news !!!

Have just started work on a bunch of new bigger pieces and the kick in the butt needed to get started on these pieces comes from the fact that I might (Might) start working with a gallery again ! They found me actually and well , there's nothing like a gallery hunting you down to work with them to push your drive and make ya work !!! So ... Good for me ! And good for everybody out there who likes to see my fancy doodles !! Just had to share !

More about that and other adventures in the weeks to come !! Until then ... Today's a tat day ... So post ya later tonight with some of that tat-action I like to indulge in , once in a while ! You bet !!

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