Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy Septembers !!

Still on the road !! Still in the R'DAM !!

Been hella-busy lately ... Having barely the time to catch a Broodje Kroket here and there ! However , lots and lots of doodles have been done ! Now now ... Can't show them all at once !! Nope ! Just too much for one mind to grasp ! True story ! So I'll just space them all out a bit !! Here's one of my last one ! Comrade Mosh on the job ... Looking out for enemies of the revolution and infiltrated spies alike !

Mosh-merizing !!

More of the last few days' doodle action very soon !! However ,the next two days are tat-atomic-power days !! So if you're one of those people who like that tattoo fad ... Check back for just that !!

Also in the news >>>>>

Have just been nominated one of the top 100 best tat-makers in the known Universe by the ever so wonderful readers of Skin-deep zine !!! And as great as that is ... Well ... I think I missed that issue and would love to have seen what it looked like !! So if any of you out there happen to have that issue (The before last one) would be great if you didn't mind scanning that page or sending me a photocopy or just bringing the whole zine for me to check it out on your next session !! Yep ! Would be great !! Thanks !

Laaterz !

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