Friday, September 18, 2009

Pimpin' the chicken !

Friday at the office !!

Another oldie dropped by today ! And between a few delicious home made chocolate muffins , we re-nipped and continued this 2007 classic !! More colours , more better and all over ! We were going for the gold and were gonna finish it today , but fate had other plans , unfortunately ! We finish it next time buddy ... No problemo !

Here's what it all looked like at the end of a day's work >>>>

Magic radioactive voodoo magic green indeed !!

Tomorrow's a no work day , so I'll be busy working all day right back behind my book making office at the factory !! Might even start some of that painting action for the new G G Gallery !!

Plog ya tomorrow with some new Electric-Padventures ! Until then ... Stay safe out there !!

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