Sunday, September 6, 2009

Strike hard !

Love is a powerful thing ...

This mecha-mate's not letting his chick go without a fight !! Watch out mister snake !!

Some of last week's Dutch doodles ! More new stuff in the works too !!


-Yes ! I'm back in Copenhagen and will be behind my torture desk on the 10th (this Thursday) and not before !!

-Shop should reopen real soon and all the orders I got while on the road will be sent out in the next two days !!

-Am still working on that damn book of mine "Still ??" - Absolutely !! And it is looking better and better every time I get a chance to work on it ! Estimated finish = This January and printing in February !! So early next year looks like as good a time as ever for this mega chunk of awesome to be released all over the known universe !!

Plog ya laaterz , Plog followers , with more new bigger stuff very soon !!

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