Friday, September 4, 2009

Tat-a-rama triple action !

Just cruising !!

Here's the last few days of work's worth ... My last few day's of work on the road ... For your viewing pleasure ... From the ever so famous Pancake street !! Here's how it went !

Wednesday was Marco's day !! First on the list : Finish the robo-ass-kicking sleeve !!! Done ! Here's what it looked like after the last few hours of work it needed !!

Rock !! Another one in the bank !!

Next on the list ... Marco needed a pin-up , a space skank to be correct !! Here's what that looked like after the lines got all done !!! Some space skank colours next time !!

Bingo !!! Another classic on the works !!

Thursday was my buddy Craig's day !! Some more colour was needed on this traveling doom sleeve !! You might remember it from a session a few months ago in Copenhagen !!! Doom pipe heaven !!! Blood red skies was what happened !!

Factory orgy !!!!

Rock ! Hope you liked this tattoo update !! Now ... If you don't mind ... I have to go and pack my crap for a final ride , all the way back to my rainy island kingdom ! Leaving tomorrow at ... 6 ! Damn them all !!!! Who decides to have a flight leave at 6 ??? Who ??? Damn that person !!!!

Plog ya from my factory C.C.H.Q. tomorrow !! Until then stay safe and sleep in late if you can !!!

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