Monday, October 19, 2009

Aaaa ... Prrrt !

Behold >>> My latest masterpiece !

This pretty much what it looks like in my head right now !!

Have had some serious stuff to figure out lately ! It's good once in a while to analyse where you're at and where it's taking ya and shit !! Re-brief the master plan ... Ya know !? Don't know if it's a case of Winter blues/confusion ... A bad case of it's my birthday tomorrow and time flies or maybe I just need some change ?? But yeah ! Apart from some tattoo action ... Haven't had it in me to doodle much lately ! I've chosen Wednesday as a deadline to have my shit figured out and my mind set ! So the last week of forced time out has been good and I should be back on track in the days to come !!

And now ... A good night is in order ! Am off to the pub where a few mates are waiting and after closing time , the Wii comes out and gets hooked up to the projector and the Guinness flows !!! Sounds like a party to me !!! I'll take a few shots of this interactive night for tomorrow's post !

Be well !

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