Monday, October 26, 2009

Half Trooper !

Almost forgot all about this one !! And since I've been under-Plogging lately ... Thought you might not mind if I double Plogged today !

Last Saturday was a day at the office ... The office of pain !!

Homie's getting soft ! Came down from "Denmark" (Jylandland) and got his forearm started ! Was supposed to be a "one shot" but then again ... Sometimes it doesn't go as planned ! No panic No panic !!! We'll just finish it next time , broseph !! But yeah ... After tattoos of hot skanks and evil evil skulls ... Homie's getting soft ! This the new one and right smack on the forearm !! Hope his folks like this one ! Here's what it all looks like >>>>> It's been a while since I started a new one so ... I'll explain :

Red for me .... Black for him !

3 and a half hours work later ...

Think we decided on the girl having a red dress !! Makes sense to me !

I really tried everything to not have a little girl there but rather some hot Heidi skank chick ... Ya know !? But Nooooooo ... He just wouldn't listen !! So here ya have it !

More tomorrow !!

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