Friday, October 2, 2009

Oprama !!

Dinner of champions !

1: Yes , that's all for me ! 2: Absolutely , there is indeed an egg in my burger !! Anything less would be uncivilized !

Yes yes !! I know !! Been busy with the no-Plog lately !! Much has happened since !! Life stuff , spy stuff , stuff stuff !!! More about that soon !! Until then , to catch up and make it all burger ... Sorry ... I meant better ! To make it all better !! Here's the last few days blog-action ... For your Plogging delight !!!

Thursday at the shop >>>>>
We done did (Almost) finished the peach-small town-br'er rabbit-Cardinal nest sleeve ! mm hm ... Yep ! We got not much left ... Making the next session not only a quick touch-up one but also the absolute final one !!!! Here are a few random not too good shots of some of what we done did on Thursday !

Last shot in a month !!

Friday at the shop (that's like today) >>>>

This sweet harbour scene from a few months back came down for the day and ......... Are you ready ? .... Also got finished ! K K Kaching !! We finished the crab lord of the underworlds , random stuff all over that had been left for last and retouched here and there ! Once again ... Not the best shots ever but still good enough for you folks to have a look at and get the basic idea !!

Same same ... Good pictures of this piece in a month !

Fantabulous !! Wait ... Wait ... Don't go yet ! Got a tad bit more left >>>>>

Am gonna be part of a few shows before the end of the year and that's rockin' !! I think I'll manage (by the skin of my teeth) to keep my deadline on this next one with the new gallery !! Check out the last pic at the bottom of this here post for a glance at the Yellow Cake sister number 2 in progress !!

And last but far from being least , check out the Blogey Kong , the Honkey Blong aka the blog of Kong asap !! You'll never guess what happened ! My homie from the far west , the Konger himself has updated his blog ... After years of wait ! A new post from the man himself !! Go check it out !!

Happy Octobers , to all yall out there !!

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