Monday, October 5, 2009

Winterings !

Just ran through these a second ago and well ... With the Wintery weather we've just started to get here , these last few days , I thought these kind of shots would be well needed !

A few random 35mm shots from a few months ago , back in L.A. !

I'm not out of shots yet ! No no .... Still have a few left to post , eventually , from this last trip ! However , am already starting to plan the next few trips !! Nothing is for sure yet but what I've been looking at lately is :

-Christmas back home in Paris / Def. not working !
-from mid January till early March in wonderful Hong Kong / Yes ... A bit of working but not too much !

More and more precise dates to come ! Until then ... The next two days are doodle days so ... Keep an eye out for some of that !

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