Saturday, November 14, 2009

Guns and horses !

Tattoo time !!

Here's the last two day's doings ... For your viewing pleasures !!

This week was Scots week and from the land of kilted men and deep fried everything , my customers of the day came down and suffered under my evil needle device of pain for some sweet sweet colour action !!! First the statue in the park needed some brightness and some ... Pink of course !! Have a look at Thursday's work ! An almost finished piece by the end of the day >>>>>>

Rock !! One last shot in a few months and this piece is done !! Will it be in Hong Kong , in Copenhagen this Summer or maybe even up in the Highlands ??

Friday was "Evacuated Paris day" !! Colours more colours !!! Not as good shots of this piece and a bit bloody too , but who was I to say anything about him drinking the night before ... Being the one who served him the beers !! So ... You get the idea ! One last shot for this one too !! A bit more colours here and there , a sky and a bit of extra contrast too !!! Have a look >>>>>>

Double wammo !!

More tat-a-action reaction tomorrow !! The toy making girl in the red room gets done !!! How exciting !

Stay fresh out there and if you're ever up in Scotland ... Apparently they'd deep fry anything you bring them up there so ... Try something fun ... Like a kitten or something !!! Send me a picture of the done deed and I'll send ya some free prints !!!! For realz !


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