Friday, November 6, 2009

Ok Ok Ok ...

Been busy !! I know I know ... You might be getting used to hearing it !!

But I got two sweet sweet pieces to Plog , from the last 2 days at the office and well ... No time to Plog 'em !! So ... You'll have to be a bit more patient !! Tonight , perhaps , or maybe tomorrow !! Until then ... Here's a sneak preview !!

Is it a bird ? Is it a plane ?

Rock !!

Also >>>> Here's the question of the day !!

Martin from St Louis ,MO Wrote:

Dear EP.
What , if any , is your favourite dancing style?

Well , Martin ! Thank you for your very good question !
I have to say that as much as I will always love a good foxtrot , I actually , personally prefer more often , a good night of flamenco !!

If you have any questions of your own you'd like to ask me , please send them to and I'll be happy to answer them !!

Later skaters !

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