Saturday, November 7, 2009

Space skanking !

Well hello again , you guys !!

I promise I won't rant about how busy I've been lately !! Promise !! However , I will say this >>>> Run under a door frame or a sturdy table and stay away from windows cuz .... Here's a triple trouble tattoo avalanche of tattooness !!! True that !

Part one >>>> Aka , last Thursday at the office !!

This here space skank came back for some super colour !! And 4 and a half hours of just that , is what it got ! Now now ... This is also a cover up , you should know !! Pretty happy about how that turned out too ! Check this out if ya wanna get a before look at this space adventure !! And remember ... I got tricked into this cover up so ... Don't try to trick me again out there , just won't work !! I don't do cover ups anymore !!!! And like the great man once said - "Trick me once , shame on you ! Trick me twice ... You can't trick me twice !!"

Awesome colour !!! And yes ! This evil robot commanding hottie is obviously from outta town ... I mean , she's green !!!!

Stay tuned for part 2 in just a sec >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !

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