Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Back home for Christmas !

Just just landed !!

Fresh off the slightly delayed flight and the usual welcoming 2 hour Paris traffic jam !

Finally the stress of packing , storing and overworking is starting to disappear ! I survived these insane last 2 months of madness and now a break just in time for the holidays !! I'll be hanging out here in Paris for the next few days until I hop my Hong Kong flight on the 4th ! Will finally have time to get back on my more regular posting schedule and also time to post last weeks doings !!! Some doodles should finally start showing up again too , for my plannings for the next two week = eating , sleeping and then the rest as free time !!

Also to be noted >>>> I would like to say a big thank you to all my Tat-customers who , in the last two months , have bent backwards with work schedules to make it work with my difficult agenda , robbed banks to find the funds needed in such short notice and/or have understood and accepted to wait a few more months till Summer to get their pieces finished !!!

You guys Rock !!

And to all the Plog followers of the world ... A very merry Christmas ! Hope you all get super expensive gifts this year !!!

Plog ya later !!

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