Thursday, December 3, 2009

Touch-up machine !

What a day ... Triple tattoo action at the shop today !! Touch-up time times 3 !! All of which got finished finished !! That's right ... The finished forever kind of finished !

Most were not really shootable sadly ... However , hang on to something steady and count to three cuz after 6 months of nagging ... I finally got none other than Mister ROBOTO to drop by for his 1 minute touch-up session and a well overdue photo marathon !!! Behold , Plog lovers ... The machine on a mission of the year !! Done and done ... I give you Roboto >>>>>>

Yeah I know I know , sometimes too many pictures is too much but I can't help it !!! I want ya to see it in every possible angle !!! Deal with it !

ROCK !! Now ... If you don't mind , a few pints are in order and then a few boxes are waiting to get stuffed !! Take care out there and I'll Plog ya right back from the office of BLOOD tomorrow !

Stay mechanized !

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