Thursday, December 31, 2009

To all the Plog followers ...

... Old friends , new friends , customers , fellow artists , sailors , princesses of this world & beyond ! From San Diego to Beijing , through Reykjavik , San Francisco , Copenhagen , Hon Kong , Djibouti and Paris and so many more places along the way ! A smashing sweet awesome party tonight and the very best for the year to come !!!

Here's a shot from BBQ saturdays on the Independent Pursuit on my last trip across the NAtlantic this last Summer ! Most probably what they'll be doing tonight !!

Take good care out there and see yall next year for more ploggings and other related doings !!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009



Philly post-sludge duo by way of NJ. One looks like Elijah Wood and the other is a Jew. The day that this was recorded, the back window was smashed out of the van we shared together by a cane/knife. That's about it. Go see them on tour this winter.


You know the deal. Just going to keep adding BT albums till they are all on here. This 1991 album parties harder than this...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sporty spice ...

So yeah ! Been back at this drawing thing I do since yesterday !! It had been way too long if ya ask me but hey , mucho work had to be done in the last two months before the move ! Lots of organizing and way too much tattooing !! If there is one thing I would never trade in the world , it has to be daily doodle time ( and Guinness oh and coffee too ... I like my smokes a lot too ... Ok there are a lot of things I wouldn't trade ... But doodle time is way way up there) !! So here I am ... Back behind the sketchbook ... Doodling away again !

Here's a doodle of the infamous international handball star : Irina Bandurevskaja from Estonia !!

Just a doodle !! It helps me to get back at doodle-work sometimes when I draw real people !! Or get inspired by Pictures , like yesterday's piece !

More more more to come ... Doodles and shots !!

Stay awesome !

Monday, December 28, 2009

The world around us ...

Today's headlines grabbed my attention in a special way !! Not just because I would instinctively always root for people who kick shit , fight the established power and/or defy the man's forced order , whatever the said forced order ! And am definitely not a mindless "democracy at any cost" supporter !! But the sheer violence of the day's protests , the dedication of those involved and the wonderful cause fought inspired me ! However violent , I can't help but find this struggle very inspiring !!

I've been following this story like others for a while now (since the last disputed Iranian elections in June) and today's protest's outcome was slightly expected however not on such scale !! Things look irreversible now ... It will only get worst in the streets of Teheran until some kind of concession comes through ! To see so many people from all over a country fighting for a single idea is beautiful ! Something the populations of the wealthier countries of the world have forgotten all about ! The head honchos of this old system must definitely be feeling the heat and that's a great thing ! The only thing that is unsure now is how long it will take and how many will have to die before the aging order in charge accepts it's fate and starts conceding !

To all my Iranian friends (strangers are just friends you haven't met) Whatever system you want to replace this one with , I wish you the very best and as soon as possible !! Top of the hat for inspiring the rest of the world !! And on a lesser note ... For starting me back up on the doodle board !

Stay up !

Less political postings in the days to come !! And more silly doodles too !!

Sunday, December 27, 2009



James “Blood” Ulmer (born February 2, 1942 in St. Matthews, South Carolina) is an Americanjazz a blues guitarist and singer. Ulmer’s distinctive guitar sound has been described as “jagged” and “stinging.” His singing has been called “raggedly soulful.”

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Last time , in Copenhagen ...

... This is what happened !!

Here's my final last few days work , from the Conspiracy inc. Finally Plogged for your viewing pleasures (as promised) !! Had a hard time finding time to sit down and post these last few workings (as you might have noticed) but here's the said awaited post of the said day's doings all ready for ya ! Now ... Have a good look at these few pieces for they are my last ones in a while !! I'll be working in HK , of course , but have planned as little as possible in the general tattooing field !! A well deserved break , if ya ask me !

With no further delay >>>>> Copenhagen 2009 , the final round !

Final round on the green city !! Came out awesome !! Half is healed (like most of these pieces) and the other half fresh so yeah ... Not the best pictures but still ... I'm sure you get the idea !

Inspector Grey ... Another half sleeve finished for the folio !!

This one finalized too !!! Had a lot of fun with the mermaids hair !!!

And this here , the last piece ... A quick 3 hour one shot !! Super hero fight to the teeth !! Who will win this epic battle of good versus evil ?? The glorious Green Ranger or the ever so terrifying Cyber Skull ???

That's it for tats for a few weeks , ladies and gentlemen !! You've had way too much in the last few months to look at anyways !! Yep ! That's it ... You're being cutoff for a while !!!

Stay rockin' and enjoy what's left of the holidays !!!



November 12, 1964 – December 25, 2009

Vic Chesnutt was a singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist from Athens, Georgia who passed away yesterday morning. He was paralyzed at the age of 18, but continued to write and perform his brand of dark, folk music up until his death. This is for him.

Unholy Grave - Crucified

1. "Maniacal Discharge" 02:11
2. "Human Mummification" 01:22
3. "Mental Disease" 01:24
4. "Atrocity - War of Agression" 01:25
5. "Worthless Prize" 01:43
6. "Korean Residents in Japan" 01:07
7. "Be Born Poor" 02:36
8. "Forced Unfair Future" 01:35
9. "Blinded - Death by Overwork" 01:51
10. "Euthanasia" 02:01
11. "The Unknown Ghost - The Fugitives" 02:12
12. "Discrimination" 01:53
13. "Protestant? Catholic?" 01:46
14. "Shameless Bighead" 01:56
15. "Mass Imbeciles - Racism" 01:46
16. "Greedy Pigs" 01:44

Japanese grind legends first full length release in 1995. Top notch low-fi grind the way it should sound.

I never want to grow up !!

Here's a little something for you to look at ...
... A quick post with a little something from last week's Wednesday's doings !!

Some bolts and screws on a young lady (this , the only shot manageable I'm afraid) and then this great reference to the musical master , mister Waits himself ! Enjoy the visuals ... More to come in the days to follow !!!

Hot legs on the Waits !!!

Stay fresh and I'll post ya right after the eating orgy which is also known as Christmas season in France !!

Rock !!

P.s. Also in the holiday news: Congrats again !!

It's about time: 4 - 0 :Over my dead body

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Back home for Christmas !

Just just landed !!

Fresh off the slightly delayed flight and the usual welcoming 2 hour Paris traffic jam !

Finally the stress of packing , storing and overworking is starting to disappear ! I survived these insane last 2 months of madness and now a break just in time for the holidays !! I'll be hanging out here in Paris for the next few days until I hop my Hong Kong flight on the 4th ! Will finally have time to get back on my more regular posting schedule and also time to post last weeks doings !!! Some doodles should finally start showing up again too , for my plannings for the next two week = eating , sleeping and then the rest as free time !!

Also to be noted >>>> I would like to say a big thank you to all my Tat-customers who , in the last two months , have bent backwards with work schedules to make it work with my difficult agenda , robbed banks to find the funds needed in such short notice and/or have understood and accepted to wait a few more months till Summer to get their pieces finished !!!

You guys Rock !!

And to all the Plog followers of the world ... A very merry Christmas ! Hope you all get super expensive gifts this year !!!

Plog ya later !!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Still running ...

... Yep !!

You guys are gonna have to give me a few more days before you can see my last Copenhagen works ! Just been so damn hectic ! Am out to Paris tomorrow and the stuff to do just keeps taking longer and getting more complicated !!

Patience , dear Plog followers !! As soon as I catch a second to sit down and relax ... I'll be Plogging !

Monday, December 21, 2009

Murder City Devils- Thelema (2001)

A holiday season playlist essential.
These dogs kept it the realest.


Excuses , excuses ...

Anytime now ... Anytime I promise !! I should find time to post my last week's worth of Copenhagen office day's doings anytime now !!! It's been so so hard to find time lately !! But yeah ... Just a quick post to tell ya good people out there that I'm almost out of the busy times and into the not so busy , usual Plogging schedule times !!

In other news ... I , sadly , was right !! A big fat , expensive , super polluting week of nothing has come out of this COP15 !! I like how they say that it's a "good start" !! It's not a good start ! A "recognition" of a situation is probably one of the weakest terms in the international political vocabulary for "Nothing" ! And it's not a start !! The start was in Rio in 1992 , 17 years ago !! Even way before Kyoto ! So ... Maybe when Washington , Brussels and Beijing are flooded might we stop "recognizing" and start "doing" ! Oh well ... By that time we'll probably be better off just moving to Mars !

I hear Mars is beautiful this time of year !!

Enough gloom and more fancy pictures tonight or at the very worst , tomorrow morning !! ... Promise !!

Stay cool !

Talk Is Poison - S/T

If I were in the bay area in the early 90's, you bet I would be watching Talk Is Poison play at Gilman St. while eating Fat Slice Pizza. Hardcore punk from Berkley California. If you like Citizens Arrest or His Hero is Gone, and thrashy, yet surprising tight HC you would enjoy this band. PRANK! recs just re-released all their stuff on a discography, this is their S/T which rips it. Enjoy.




First full-length from this English post-punk band. You should know what to expect by the fact it came out on Factory.

Friday, December 18, 2009

The battle has been won!

When I set out to open my gallery/studio I had no idea I would be tied up in legal red tape for 6 months. I approached Frenchtown boro with my plan for an Art Studio with Tattooing. They immediately resisted the idea and directed me to get a variance. Typically municipality’s use the variance as a way to drain the business owner of all money and intimidate them so they go away. This has happened many times to tattoo studio owners. I was not a big fan of this idea. But after a while of trying every way to get around it was the only option. So it cost me a bundle, but it got me here. I have learned a lot from this experience. Not only about Zoning laws and small town bureaucracy but how much the people of my community matter. If it wasn’t for the positive force that showed their support for me at the meeting, I may have been voted down. So now I can move forward.

Tattooing has been my passion for 17 years now. Watching my profession grow from a fringe art form and then explode to a widely accepted televised reality. It has exceeded all my expectations. Having opened Immortal Ink in the fall of 99 the future was wide open. I felt scarred and didn’t know if Tattooing would work here in Hunterdon County. After a year and thousands of Tattoos burned on the flesh of locals and tourists all my fears had been gone. The past ten years I have grown as an artist and a family man. Ive watched my Best friend Josh Kohn build a strong clientele and has helped put Immortal ink on the map. This is why I have to pass the torch to my fellow tattooists at Immortal and move on.

Rich Cahill Studio is a multi media studio specializing in Tattooing, Outsider Art, and Illustration. I will feature my own pen and ink drawings, acrylic painting, as well as art works by Norbert Kox, Anna Sea, Frank Bruno, Crag Rodriguez and many more. I look forward to the quarterly art shows and meeting artists from all over.

Stop in and visit if your in the Frenchtown area.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Joe Strummer and The Mescaleros - Streetcore

We had the pleasure of growing up and older with Joe Strummer. As young kids, our parents hated most our music and choices except this man and his band. When this record came on at your friends shitty parties or 1992 Honda accord hot boxed out with dirty cheap weed before homeroom, you always felt on top of the world.

Luckily this was the record that Joe Strummer left behind before he passed. We were in high school when Joe Strummer died, and this was a great parting gift from Joe Strummer to the world, a great record to grow older with as Joe bowed out.

With the exception of only a few silly rock riffs, this record is soaked in beauty and has bursts of inspiration all over it. I know for a fact many people don't have it, and I feel as if you should.

Joe Strummer - Streetcore

The Mercury Program- Chez Viking (2009)

New release. More complex and uplifting instrumental music, with vibraphones and excellent percussion to boot.


Front line !

Good thing about having COP15 in town:

-Well ... Copenhagen actually feels like a real city ! You go downtown or take the train or metro and there are people from all over the world and that's awesome ! Makes you realize how non-multicultural and internationally isolated Copenhagen usually is !

Bad thing about having COP15 in town:

-The orwellianization of Copenhagen is a bit freaky and uncomfortable !! Maybe it's just me and my reflex antipathy towards forced authority but having to show ID cuz you chose the wrong side of the street to walk through is something that annoys me ! With the helicopters hovering at all times , the blast walls and security perimeters set up around the city and of course the thousands of cops scattered all over town ! Makes me want to read 1984 again !

However , the real deal is happening on the other side of the ramparts ! Beyond the lines of mentally overwhelmed and freaked out robocops and beyond the improvised army of protesters from around the world (most of which , I find to be , rarely truly informed about what they're here for) ! All we can do is screen the news attentively to find out what's actually happening inside this climate fortress these "important deciders" have made for themselves ! The main words echoing out so far are -"painful fiasco !" But only at the end of the week will we truly know all the details of why and how we either failed ourselves silly or actually figured some kind of deal out that we might actually think of honouring !

I personally am not expecting anything remotely intelligent to come out of this impressively impossible climate deal making mission the UN has set for us ! I think , just like the Nigerian delegation has been saying as soon as they stepped off the plane a week ago (and this is from an official and absolutely reliable spy source), and I quote "Why do we have to negotiate this ?? Does the stomach negotiate with the liver every time the body is eating ??? "

But hell ! I would really really love to be very wrong !!!

Let's see what happens on Saturday ! Until then ... Awesome tat-pictures of the day and of tomorrow's day's doings >>>> Tomorrow night !

Don't be cynical !!


The typically forgotten first studio album from the wignorant masterpiece know as fury of five. Put this on and stickman your boss today.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Fucked Up- Do They Know It's Christmas (2009)


The gang's back with a new single to spice you up with their unique brand of holiday cheer. Could you possibly go wrong here?






D.A.M.N. + 3

Japanese sludge 'n roll that grooves fast, hard, and slow. All of the ways your ears like to get fucked.

Straight Line Assembly !

Ok ok ok ... Stop screaming !! I know I haven't been the most punctual Plogger lately !! I know I know !! But it's pretty damn hard for me to find time , ya know , like ! 10 more days of insane burnout intense busy action to go ... then I'm free for a while !! So yeah ... Forgive my late posting schedule and have a seat !! It's time for the past week's review and well ... If you like that tattoo thing ... You might like this post !!

First of all , Tuesday ! The lovely miss Trine came down for a blitzkrieg visit from Ã…lborgtown (Jyllandland , Denmarkia) just for me to take a few shots of this super half !!! Thank you so much for dropping by missy !!!! Here it is all healed up and downtown for your viewing pleasures >>>>>

Second in line ... Thursday's doings ... The music monster lab !! All touched up with additional inner arm organ monster ! >>>>>

Forgot to take the marker shots ... Happens !!

Next ... Tripods attack all touched up and good to go !! Part one of Friday's doings !! Behold , puny humans !!! >>>>>

Part two of the same said Friday ... The injustice ministry ... In action !!! All touched up and well ... For some reason , this one was really hard to take a good shot of so ... This is all you get !! Hope I get good shots of it this Summer when I'm back !!!

Saturday's action , Also part of this grand master post ... The Red Baron ... All touched up and almost just as hard to take a good shot of !! I hate it when I can't take a good shot of these pieces !! Specially when I won't be able to see it all healed and pretty for another 6 months ! Oh well ... Inner arm looks good on these shots though ! With marker too this time !! >>>>>

VRRRrrrrrrooooommmm !! Yep !

And finally ... Today's Sunday doings >>> A truck for a lady !! The one shot of the week !!! Check it out >>>>>

ROCK !!!

Now ... Sleep !!!
Good night yall and post ya as soon as I find time again !!! Stay real !