Thursday, January 28, 2010

Big done !!

Finally done !! Hurra !!
Spent 3 days on this damn wall ! I either overestimated my capabilities or underestimated that wall but thinking I could get this big doodle done in one day was very ... How do you say ? Dumb ! Anywho ... Just finished and am happy to say I kicked that wall's ass !! Showed it who was boss !! Done and done ! Well ... Part one of ... 8 !! Yeah ... I'm taking a break and will most likely space these walls out a bit more than I thought but ... Expect some more of this giant doodle action in the months to come cuz more needs getting done !!

Hope you like this 8 by almost 3 meter piece ... I know I do !!

Oh yeah and guys ... This wallpaper busyness is hella-awesome looking but had I known how much of a pain in the ass putting it up could be , I might not have dared (thanks buddy Rob) !! Don't try this at home , people !!!

Tomorrow ... ? Normal sized doodles !

Stay awesome and ... If you get a second ... Let me know what you think !!

P.s. Absolutely !! To see this live (which is much much nicer) ... Check out First Cup in TST (bottom end of Pratt ave)

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