Sunday, January 17, 2010

Yau Ma Tei !

D D Dragonings !!

Busy busy !!!! Lots of hanging out but also ... Working is starting to creep up too !! Can't seem to finish any doodles since I've been here but have been starting lots and lots ! So , it's only really a matter of time before they all start showing up here !! I'll most probably have some good stuff for the Gallery to show back in the KBH soon too !!

Among other projects and apart from book making , doodles and picture taking ... A whole bar is about to get all EPed up and that is gonna look hella-sweet , let me tell ya !!

And finally ... For the tat-mad Plog followers out there ... This week should give your eyes a little something to chew on too !

Stay awesome !!

P.s. China says hi !

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