Sunday, February 28, 2010

Gypsy Spit- Demo (2010)

I'd like to thank Spense and the guys in Florida's Gypsy Spit for sending us their demo to share with everyone. Its not often we get submissions, let alone ones we really like, but we always encourage them. This is fortunately a submission that I'm very grateful to have received. For all you powerviolence fans who like it a little on the dirtier side, this demo will be right up your alley, too. These 3 songs (4 if you count the AWESOME cover at the end) kick off at lightning speed but transition perfectly into slow sludgy doom riffs within a matter of seconds. Despite the short length of the songs and recording in its entirety, the demo takes the time to cater to the likes of hardcore, doom, and grind advocates alike. Fans of Look Back and Laugh, Siege, Haymaker, and the like please take note. You won't be disappointed.


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