Sunday, February 7, 2010


Where I be at !

Here's a little doodle , a little slice of me life ... Here's the Hong Kong EP Central Command Headquarters ! For your doodle viewing pleasures !! Where I work on doodles , paintings and some book making too and of course , where I will soon start planning my Asian super secret spy missions too !!

I've just started this new label "Factual facts" which should grow slowly with a bunch of actual technical factual facts about how everything works and stuff , doodled for your learning pleasures ! So for you knowledge seeking people of the Plog , for you e-buddies with an insatiable thirst for true factual facts and technical exactness ... More to come !!

Apart from all that ... Life is very very good here in Hong Kong !! Come visit if you're ever in the hood !

Tomorrow ... Pictures perhaps ... Doodles maybe even ! Until then , have fun out there !!!

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