Friday, February 12, 2010

Productiviting ...

... Is always nice !!

Locked myself in today and just went crazy painting mad till just about a minute ago !! Got nothing finished , of course , but did get a bunch of new big pieces started ! Another paint crazy day tomorrow and some stuff should start showing up !! I promise !!
It's the best thing in the world , let me tell ya !! I mean , it doesn't always work the way you want to but when it does ... Chilling at home alone painting all day is the best thing I know !! Take a little break for a quick coffee , another break for some street food ... Then back up and back to work ! Pulling out weird new shit as it comes !! As you can tell from my day's satisfaction ... I have very high expectations for these pieces and will be posting as soon as a few are done !!

Who knows where they'll end up ... ?? At the gallery in Copenhagen , as a print perhaps maybe even on a shirt !! I'll let you know when I know !!

Yes , it's true !! My wallpaper at home is delicious !! How lucky am I !!

Stay tuned for some sweet Plogging tomorrow !! Also , more news about my new secret Merch idea in the days to come !!


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