Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Under the highway !

Not much to declare today , ladies and gentlemen !!

Locked myself in all day to paint and ... Well ... It doesn't always work ! So ... A big long day of not much to plog about today !! Perhaps more tomorrow , I hope !!

In other more productive news however , it looks like the new Tätowier Magazin (from Germany) has just dropped and it looks like there might be a sweet article on myself in it too !! Some of my latest pictures and lots of German words , written one after the other all over the pages , hopefully saying good things about me !

Pick it up if you've got access to such literature and let me know what it looks like !!

Plog ya tomorrow !! Until then , here's a question sent to me by Henrich Von Toplerfelt from Utrecht in the Netherlands :

Dear Electric .
What , in your opinion , would you say is the most awesomest winter olympic sport ever ?

Well thank you for the question , Henrich ! It is a very good one indeed ! However I would have to say none of the above since not only am I dreadfully not interested in the said event but also , to my personal knowledge , Winter Olympics aren't even real Olympics now are they !

As usual , please send any questions to : and I'll be more than happy to answer them !

Later !

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