Saturday, March 13, 2010

Green not Blue ...

'tis a photo Plog today indeed !

This time ladies and gentlemen ... Yes ! More Hong Kongness !! However , with my brand new baby this time !! My new 17/35 2.8 !!!!! For all of you non photo geeks out there , that's a very wide angle lens with a very nice F stop (aperture) !! Have wanted one of these for many many years now , dreamt about it at night and had severe pains whenever I'd see lenses anywhere ! And well , honestly , only in Hong Kong can I afford such a bad boy !!! So here it is ... The first roll with my new wide angle and this time with a cross processed PROVIA 100F !! From Victoria harbour to Kowloon city and the two last one's from my flat again !!

Green power !

A few very interesting things to come in the week ahead !! Stay tuned for that and some doodle action reaction !!!!


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