Sunday, April 11, 2010

Home base !

That's right ... Made it back by the skin of my teeth but made it back to my beautiful Hong Kong , in one piece , none the less !! From Bangkok to Shenzhen and right trough the line under the cover of darkness back to my C.C.H.Q. in HK ! The mission was a complete success , none was left behind and now back to some more regular Ploggings ! Hopefully I won't be called again too soon ! Don't get me wrong ... I would never think twice before serving the cause of the free world however am absolutely hoping for a more pleasant theater of operations next time !! The hot , very hot and humid , very very humid SEAsia environment this time of year is something I'd like to avoid in the future !!

Part last ...

Now however , time for more adventures (of the Hong Kong type) to be revealed in the days to come !!

Stay tuned and stay cool !

EP out ..................

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