Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Indiana Jones is a pussy !!

... More on that later !

Right now , here's some News from the front >>>>

Just made it back out of the deadly , unforgiving , treacherous thick jungle lands upstream of the mighty Mekong river where I have escaped the Nam Ngum headhunter tribe , a loose brigade of overzealous Lao PDR commando death squad and a local fauna and flaura bent on not letting me out of their turf alive !! But rest assured , dear Plog followers ... My super covert spy mission is a success and I made it out of this death jungle of doom in one piece , with style none the less !! Am glad to be back in the city to find the man made wonder , the magical device extraordinaire also known as ... The AC and will try to upload some amazing shots before the night falls on Vientiane !!

Next in line ... A covert way out of the said commie republic at dawn !! However , since me and my crew happen to be in the general SEAsia area ... A few days of relaxing and enjoying the accomplished task in Bankok seam to be in order !! Will definitely try to post some shots and maybe even some jungle doodles as soon as I find the adequate facilities !!

M M More updates as soon as we're out !

Part 5 ...

Stay cool !!

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