Thursday, May 13, 2010


That's right folks !! I'm a bit late on the postings but it's just been crazy hectic down here for the last week !! So here's as previously promised , Chapter 3 in last weekend's Aussie tattoo marathon ... Archie's second day at the office !! This all happened last Monday !

This side of the "accountant's doom leg" is all about when the said number crunchers get told "Time's up ... Now you come with me" ! Follow the saga in visual mode right down here !! Sadly I completely forgot to take the marker shots ... So you just get the finished line work !

This one front piece will be all wrapped up , finished and matched with the other side of the leg (Archie's day one) in about a month and a half when these crazy Australians come back for more HK inking !! Until then ... I hope they stay away from the sun out there !!!

Stay tuned for more ! As soon as I get more than one minute of free time in the days to come ... I will be posting about such things as ... Doodle action (been a while) ... Magazine articles (that's right , it seems to be article season for me these days) ... Future plans calendar (for precise dates of my adventures near you) and some book making updates too !!

Stay AAAaaaawesome !

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