Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Jedi Knight walks among us

You know ... You make up a system and it works perfectly ! For years it just works ! And then someone comes along and resets the standard ! Someone comes along and just raises the bar for all of us ! And that's exactly what happened yesterday ! To all of you who are human and can feel pain out there here is a new challenge , a new standard to live by ... Now that you know that a Jedi Knight walks among us !! Thats right ! That's the new title out there ... Get your note pads , write this down for future reference !

We all know by now that 6 hours will get you the "TROOPER" title !! Not many make it but a few none the less ! Then there is the "SUPER TROOPER" title , achieved after 8 hours ! Even fewer make it , 3 up to now to be exact ! And then since yesterday ... There is the official new and well deserved super-human title of "JEDI KNIGHT" !! That's right !! You can get this title after lasting 11 hours and 15 minutes !!! No kidding ! From now on , my good buddy Luke (how fitting) from Australia , will be known in the underground Electric Pick tattoo community and in other secret tattoo circles also adopting the EP Trooper system as "JEDI KNIGHT LUKE" !! Let it be known !!

For those of you who want to know what a real life JEDI KNIGHT looks like , Here ya go >>>>>

And now for those of you who , like Mr. Michael Brito can't wait to see more tattooings of mine ... Today's one of your lucky days ! First in a weekly tattoo-marathon ... Here's what happened yesterday for almost 12 hours >>>>>

Red for me /Black for luke ....

We continued buddy Luke's Dutch-o-rama sleeve !! After the drunk sailor and mermaid in the A'dam's red light ... And the Window lovers ... Here's a gigantic windmill roboto , commanded , obviously by a bunch of my beloved 3D rabbits ! Not yet finished but almost ! Here's yesterday's day's doings at my Hong Kong office of pain ...

All will be tide up , finished and touched up this Christmas back in Copenhagen so keep an eye out for a complete awesome series of this beautiful sleeve to come !!

Check out in the day's to come what you actually get from me (apart from a nearly finished half sleeve) when you last that long and make it to the new industry super human standard of "JEDI KNIGHT" !!

Post ya back tonight or tomorrow with some more of this extreme tattoo action !!!

The force is strong in Hong Kong !!

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