Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Purple skies ...

Hard at work !! Never doubt it !

Just a quick post to say that I've been hard at work (book making again) and wanted to share a bit of the excitement with yall !! This project is becoming something completely crazy (in a good way) !! It has however , prevented me from doing anything else lately , apart from some tattoos here and there when I get hungry !

I have just under a month left on this thing and I won't quit till it's done and done ! Fear not however , Tattooings have been scheduled in !! A bunch of cool projects are on the way , some in the days to come !!

Apart from that ... I haven't drawn in a month and I think it's the first time ever in my life , ever , that I haven't doodled for so long !! Freaky if ya ask me ! And it's not because I don't have any ideas !! Just too damn busy making a book !!

So fear not ... I still doodle and will be back at the grinding in the days to come ! Until then ... You might have to deal with some AWESOME pictures !!

Stay vigilant !!
Now back to work !

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