Thursday, June 17, 2010

See the world, they said !

Sorry for the delay , dearest Plog followers , but the internet has been getting really hard to rip these last few days !!

Here's part 3 (part last) of last weekend's Aussie invasion !! This time a one shot was in order (I love "one shots") ! First we doodled than we tattooed the rest of the day away for about 4 hours ! Here's what it all looked like !!

Red for me/Black for Mr. Bones !

The final product !!

Setting up mines is a hard job but I guess someone's got to do it ...

Next and last HK session before I leave will be on Monday ! Ben's Mong Kok leg will get finished !! After that ... No more tattoos until early August ! I guess you could call it a Summer break ! I'll be busy adding the final touches to my book , doodling as much as I can , re-nipping my aging web-site and trying to find a flat in over inflated Copenhagen !! That ... Plus pictures of course !!!

Stay cool ! It's been like +45 with a gazillion percent humidity down here lately !! I'm melting !!!

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