Saturday, June 5, 2010


As promised ... A little late but never too late ... Last Thursday's tatzzzappings , today !

This time my customer of the day came all the way from the Alpine lands of Switzerland , land of fashionable timepieces and never ending National Service (Third after Israel and North Korea) all the way to Hong Kong for his first session on a new piece !! I admire the dedication , yes I do !!! We met , pondered for a moment and tattooed the day away ! Here's the story ... This young man is about to start a one year , around the world trip (so jealous) and well , wanted a piece (a half sleeve) to symbolize this so ... He asked me for "Something to do with traveling" !! After a few minutes of brain storming ... This is what I came up with >>>>>

Red for Simon from Switzerland / Black for me ... (Yellow also here ... Just to get the first proportions right , ya know? It happens sometimes)

And here it is after all the lines and black !!

Let me explain ... She is the North ! His guide in all situations ... Watching over his route and there when he gets lost ! Simon from Switzerland coming from the same hemisphere as myself , we both quickly agreed to have her be the North ! (us people use the North to guide us on our travels) ! The blimp is his ship (airships are just great) and the earth will eventually be all awesome and stuff with clouds and so on !! Went and had a bit of fun with the space swirly stuff things and did go a bit crazy with the North's compass head too !!

Can't wait to have it all coloured in , on the last week of August in Copenhagen ... Just before Simon from Switzerland starts his super trip !!!

Tomorrow's another tattoo day ! Apart from that ... Every other day is pretty much a book making day !!!
Godspeed !

P.s. Thanks for all the feedback from the "Plagiarism" post !! It's nice to have people's opinions ! In this case all pretty much agreed but never hesitate to let me know what you think even when you don't agree !! I'm starting to try to find time to answer more comments lately ! So bring 'em on ! And stay awesome !!!

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