Tuesday, July 20, 2010

More flashbacks ...

Another page from the sketchbook ... Forgotten behind ! This one from way back in January , when I had just moved over to Hong Kong !!

Not much to Plog about nowadays ... Doodling a bit but mostly just chilling in France with the family and preparing for my Scandinavian return ! Soon enough I tell ya , soon enough I'll be back in Copenhagentown , settled in a bit better and able to dive right back in and start painting again !! Oh yeah ... And do some of that tattoo stuff I do too !! I don't think I'll be posting finished tattoos on the blog anymore though ! Just the "in progress" ones from now on ! For the finished pieces , you'll have to go on the site I'm afraid !! Apart from that ... I'm well overbooked again with a lot of awesome new projects (Lots of illustration projects but loads of new awesome tattoo projects as well) ... You'll see ... All in good time !

A few Paris shots tomorrow perhaps ? Who knows ??

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