Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sleeve week ...

The catch up !!

As promised , last week's tattoo action aka "sleeve week" in living colour (and mostly lines) just to bring you guys back up to speed in my calendar's crazy tattoo season !

First in line "the tree" >>>

An old sleeve started in 2008 (yep , that's a while ago) was finally continued last Monday !
Have a look at the first session , from 2 years ago just to get the idea ! A crazy tree on crack was the main theme here !

Here's what it looked like at the end of this highly anticipated first day of colour !!

More on this sleeve of tree madness in a few months !

Second in line "Rapunzel sleeve" >>>

Thursday's work ... A new sleeve got started and all lined up in one sitting ! That's pretty quick for me ! Have been getting quicker and quicker lately but this has to be a first ! A sleeve all lined up in about 5 hours ! Here's what my Rapunzel looks like ! However please forgive me ... I seem to have forgotten , once again to take the marker shots !!

More colour on this piece very very soon !

And lastly but not leastly .... "the fairy pirate Vs the fishmen from below sleeve"

Yep !

Black and Red >>>

And almost all lined up at the end of the day >>>

Keep an eye on this epic battle till the end to find out who will win this deadly maritime struggle ! Personally ... I happen to be rooting for the Fishmen from below ! But some other people might not share my enthusiasm !

Colours real soon !

Hope this post satisfies your deepest tattoo cravings of the week !
More more more next week !!

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