Sunday, August 15, 2010


Doodles doodles ...

This one's from a few weeks ago when I had started Copenhagen-painting again ... After a long break ! Did a few that day but hadn't had a full day off to paint again since today ! Just too damn much tattooing going on nowadays ! Got to balance it out a bit better soon ! Anyways ... Today was a well awaited painting day indeed ! And I went crazy ... Feels great ! There's nothing I love more in the world than painting for no reason ! No deadlines , no tattooing , nothing but me and some surface to fill !

None were finished today however at least 6 amazing A3s are well on their way to be so ... Keep an eye out over here in the next week ! As soon as I can find another few minutes to myself , I'll be able to finish a few of these awesome new pieces !!!

Also ... I'll be doing my best to bring the EPTB back online sometime this week too !!!


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