Friday, September 3, 2010

Pick pick pickalooooooo

A new friend !

Been wanting to get me one of these rotaries for a very long time now !! Finally just did ! Mr. Shagbuilt just dropped by the shop and I just couldn't resist ! Me and buddy Eckel went shopping ! So yeah ... This is kind of a big deal for me cuz well ... The last time I bought machines was in 1999 ! 2 Micky Sharpz (the one's from way back then) since then , one of them blew up a few years ago "Kablamo" and I've been using just one machine for the last few years ! It's been working quite well for me , however , one does get annoyed with changing set ups all the time and constantly answering to other tattoo artists astonishment "Yep ... Just one" ! So yeah ... A new friend has come about ! Let's see how we all get along first ... I'll most likely Plog about it again in about a month or so !

Also in the news >>>>>>>

-New tattoo rules coming soon ! Trying to make it easier for you and for me and to adapt it to my current calendar's realities ! Stay tuned for that if at all interested ! Should have something written down for yall in the next few days !

-A few more (smaller sized) new originals should pop up on the EPTB in a week or so !!

-Printable Merch projects are officially in the works ! Keep an eye out for them !!

Stay fresh !

Pick pick pickalooooooooo ...

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