Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Spirit of the forest

Another A3 fresh out of the EP oven of shapes and colours !! I think I really like this one too ! Let me know what yall think about this last piece !!

Until then ... I decided I liked the gold background Mong Kok chick (the one with legs up to her neck) and was gonna leave her just the way she was ! So expect some new framed up goodness on my wall (and on the EPTB) very soon !! And maybe some from Hong Kong too ! Most of what I managed to doodle back then ended up being sketchbook pages but I do have a few unsold loose doodles left ... They deserve to be framed too I think !!

In other news >>>

- The Vampire chick has arrived safely to her new home in the Netherlands !! Pictures soon !

-And nope ! Ladies and gentlemen , this rotary business is not for me !! They work absolutely great and definitely have the torque needed (and more) but I miss the speed ! The "quicker comer backer" in Nick lingo ! And since you can't really adjust them ... I'm still on the lookout for a second machine I'm afraid ! Don't let this stop you though ! They are fantastic machines and should be appreciated by most tattoo artists !

-And absolutely , dear Anonymous they sure are !

Do what you do the way you like to do it and never let the MAN tell ya any different !

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