Sunday, October 31, 2010

Projectile Playlist Part I

In response to this excellent post by Suleiman Shouaa, in which he offers up his playlist for his pvp habits, I hereby give to you my Projectile Playlist.

System Of A Down - ATWA I like to listen to this when stalking an unsuspecting pilot in the belts, usually I like to time the slamming of projectile fire against my prey about the 45 seconds mark.

Throw Away Your Television - Red Hot Chili Peppers The funky bass licks accompany an impromptu roam perfectly, bobbing around system after system hunting for quarry in typical Minmatar fashion.

Vampire Weekend - White Sky This is usually played when I'm in a relaxed mood. Maybe I've just made a kill and I'm scooping loot or heading back to base after a long roam. A great tune to unwind to.

Sigur Rós - Inní mér syngur vitleysyngur Love to pvp to this. Within me a madman sings. Appropriate to my fly style.

Bloc Party - Blue Light (Engineers Anti-Gravity Remix) This is a perfect tune to have on whilst on a long roam.

She Wants Revenge - Tear You Apart This usually gets played during Rifter duels, the title usually what I want to do to my enemy. Cool video too.

That's it for now. Watch out for part II sometime in the future.


Darkthrone - Panzerfaust (1995)

released in 1995 and was their first album with record label Moonfog Productions. It was released in North American under The End Records. It is also their second and final album to feature some lyrics by the infamous black metal musician Varg Vikernes.
Panzerfaust DL

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Scot man's land

Operational update ->

I seem to have arrived to where I appear to have left for ...

Hallowhat ??


Too much to do ... Not enough time to do it all in !!

Been running around a lot, with always something next on the list to run too, in the last week and well ... The last few days have been very productive !! London is great but I really have to remember not to overbook my traveling schedules like this ! Specially in this town ... So much going on, so much to go and see !! I miss big cities so much !

So yeah ! Busy busy ... My Super secret covert spy schedule has been, on the other hand not too stressful since I've been down here in Londontown and that's allowed me to do much more other awesome stuff ! Homie home delivery tattooing, Art-geek drawing parties, lots of analog picture taking (no really a lot), not enough hanging out with homies but still a bit and well ... Work related or not, if there's one thing us super covert spy men of shadows and mystery like to do, that's to go and check out what's new out there ... What's the latest gadgets and new spy related devices to come out and make our dangerous lives easier ... Or just way more awesome ! And being in London and all ... Paying a visit to the good people at the world famous SPYMASTER shop is simply an absolute must !

It is of course, understandably not permitted to take pictures inside this little shrine but here's a quick outside shot so you know what it looks like (above)... Next time you're in London and in need of 360 HD camera glasses, CB and cellphone wave jammers/interceptors/recorders , GPS tracking magnetized coin sized devices that send you a signal of their location (within 1 meter anywhere on Earth) directly on any mobile device or even just shark repellant spray pens ... You'll know where to go !

Good times !

>>>> Also in the news of the last few days ....

Mix master Craig aka Tiger heart aaka the African Gweilo, was lucky enough to win a home delivery session yesterday !!
This is how far we managed to get after hours of non stop/no break tattooing (never get tattooed by me while there's a documentary about zombies on TV !!!) ... Not the best pictures (half healed/half fresh deal) but it's been a while since you've seen this one and it's starting to come together >>>>>

Awesome !!! Pipe heaven !

More news shortly as the train I happen to be sitting in is about to get to where I appear to be going ! Fact !

Memorial Day Demo 99/00

The one and only, much sought after demo by Philadelphia/New Jersey's Memorial Day. Featuring Steve Crudello (guitarist of TURNING POINT ) , Brandon Wallace (played drums in every hardcore band ever from Philadelphia) and most importantly Skip Candelori, the vocalist from the almighty TURNING POINT. This is the last recorded project featuring Skip before his untimely passing in 2004.

This demo means alot to me, because it really shows that Memorial Day would have been a pivotal band if they had the chance to exist past this demo. I always search for the words to describe what Turning Point/The short-lived Godspeed / and Shorter- Lived Memorial Day mean to me, and always fall short. In my opinion, Memorial Day would have further left their mark in a genre that Turning Point helped pioneer.

So enjoy this piece of New Jersey history. Sadly, never released and largely unknown to even Turning Point fans...this Memorial Day demo means alot to the few that know of it, and hopefully this demo can reach some people who have not yet heard it, or have been searching for it. Enjoy, and always remember the legacy Skip left behind to largely help create melodic hardcore punk as we know it.

Memorial Day Demo

SUBURBAN SCUM - Internal War(2010)

Excellent young band from NJ. Definitely don't wanna skip over this one. A real gem that stands out of the vast and repetitive genre of modern hc.

Efficiency? What efficiency?

Looking over my killboard statistics it has dawned on me that at the beginning of my headlong fall into piracy that I am not really very efficient. I'm currently hovering around the 60% mark. I don't know if this would be termed as bad or average for a pilot my age? What I do know is that losing assault ships doesn't do your efficiency any good. I can't seem to stay away from the Jaguar hull though, it really does rock in the right engagement and is a ship I consider great fun to fly, even when losing in one you get the sense of a fun duel.

So, what's the plan now? Well, I'm just going to carry on as I am, maybe ensure I hop into the Rifter after every 'expensive' loss. I'm not going to fuss over it, I'm sure over time it will iron out and become more of a respectable rating but that's for another day and somebody else to worry about. I would however be keen to hear from other pilots on what they think about efficiency ratings and if they can remember what their experiences were of being 'efficient' in the early stages of their dark careers.

Now, ready me my Jaguar!!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Children of the Corn- Children of the Corn "Deluxe Edition"

Big L, Cam'ron, Bloodshed, Murda Mase, Lord Finesse, and more.
Horror rap before it got corny as shit.
Pretty much before rap in general got corny as shit.
Cam's flow is way different, you get to see the true talent and potential Mase once had, and its a good collection of lesser known Big L and Bloodshed material before their tragic deaths, thus ending this supergroup's momentum (and further mixtapes).


Adrian Lux- Teenage Crime single (2010)

I'm just as shocked as you are that I like this as much as I do.
Certified banger. Killer video.
Thanks Bushy.

[dl link removed by request]

Misfits- Earth A.D. (1983)

Seriously, if you haven't been spinning this all month, you're a bigger no-jack poser than I thought and I officially don't want to know you.


Cocteau Twins- Treasure (1991)

Dream pop to assist you with enjoying the current changing seasons, or that coma you've been trying to slip into.


Home delivery >>>

Yesterday's London doings >>>>

Check what I did on mister Newman yesterday ! A new classic !! We'll eventually wrap it around the whole leg but after 8 hours of work till very late last night , I'm happy we managed to finish this part completely ... Therefore making it a "one-shot" ! A pretty big one too ! Half a leg !! Check out what happens when zombies come to town and cheerleaders decide to fight back !!!

Red/Black >>>

8 hours later >>>

Awesome job mister Ben !!

More London doings in the days to come !!!
Stay ready !

H.P. LOVECRAFT - I & II (1967/1968)

Late 60's band named after the greatest horror author of all time.



Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Having geek sketch parties with artists I highly respect is definitely something I ought to do more often !!

Great doodle night , mister Newman ... Let's do it again sometime soon !

More unexpected awesomeness tomorrow night !!


Havent posted in a good while, school/internship/training rules my life. Oh yeah and Fallout: New Vegas. I was introduced to this band by Mike Emp probably about a year ago. I can easily say they are easily one of the best doom band out of philly.

Mix with Arsenic.

last show, last song dug up from the depths of filthadelphia dirge in the year 2007. underappreciated and almost forgotten. ridin' high only deeper do we plunge.


>>> Operational update >>>

To all whom this may concern (anyone interested in doodling and drinking that is):

The wonderfully talented Mr. Ben Newman and myself are having an open, spontaneous, get together pub sketch-a-thon tonight and anyone interested by such an event should just come on down and join !! All you need is ... A sketchbook and your very own beer money !

More precise location updates later in the day as we find out for ourselves, for this is all very spontaneous , you know ! However up to now, I can tell you this:


More updated more precise info:

BARON Street

Be there or be square !!

How to find me:

How to find Ben:

Stay sharp
Stay focused
Stay street !

Updates on this post later today !

Hail of Bullets - Of Frost And War

Newest release from Asphyx side project Hail of Bullets. Martin Van Drunen still remains one of the best death metal vocalist 20 years into the game. A perfect blend of Asphyx brutality and Bolt Thrower leads. While they aren't doing anything 'new', this album is devastating and is one of the best of the year so far.



All is good in the English Kingdom's capital tonight!!

Been on the move quite a lot lately and it's nice to be able to put my bags down for a few days and check out the town . This town has a hell of a lot of stuff to check out too . My list of musts will have to be halved if I want it to be realistic at all . And I also do have quite a lot of work related stuffs to do while around here as well . Let's see what I can manage ...

First pub to hit !!

Also in the last week's news >>>>

-I finally managed to find a good spot for some interwebs connection action so I'll finally have time to start answering the incredible load of e-mails that have accumulated in my inbox !! Thanks for your patience (that's for the patient ones, not the newbies who send the same e-mail everyday until I answer them !!!!! Hell of a way to try to squeeze yourself into a closed waiting list !!!!) Sorry ... Had to vent that !

-My spy schedule while I'm on this super covert mission , does allow me extra time which I have (a long time ago) already booked up with too much stuff !! But basically , you can expect some sweet illustration work and yes , a bit of Tattoo action as well , in the days to come !! True story .

-And finally ... Was too busy being stuck in horrible internet land to go on and on about this awesome event but apparently the Hope gallery's "Peep show" art show opening was a success and my 4 pieces made it (Almost intact) just in time (barely) ! If you happen to have made it to the opening > Awesome !! If not however , the show's still running for a bit longer !! Go check it out !!

More Ploggables asap !

Whiskey Eyes

The subtle red light above my head bounced off the wall across from me and dimly cast its warm glow on the mirrored wall opposite my bunk. The digital room timer read 05:14. Next to me lay an empty bottle of Thukker Fire whiskey that I had claimed from a recent trip into the Great Wildlands. The glass glistened ruby under the light. The room was filled with cold air, the sweat stained clothes on my back clung to my skin in an uncomfortable fashion.

I shut my eyes again to block out the thumping in my head. My implants twitched and I felt the need for a re-tune.


I woke with a jolt. The red night light in the room was now the working hours bright yellow issue and my eyes hurt. I fumbled around for my shades and out of sheer luck I managed to grab hold. I put them on and managed to pull myself from my slumber. My body ached and I muttered to myself no more liquor, for a few days at least.

The hangar was empty. I readied my Rifter and made my way over to pod immersion. As I walked past the huge window of the hangar I noticed nothing but emptiness out in the space lanes. In front of me lay days of border patrols and hunting. It was now time to pillage and burn, murder and lock horns with the Elite and also the unsuspecting kind.

As I exited the station I jammed open the warp drive and bolted into the distance.


Sunday, October 24, 2010



The G-Express

Aka Dublin - London the long way !!

Farewell Ireland !

Ireland is absolutely wonderful !! Go there some day !

And here's a quick operational update for you folks !! Just so you know I'm still out there !!

Expect more Ploggable London adventures in the days to come !
Maybe even a bit of tattin' ... Who knows !?

Now if you'll excuse me ... I have an important appointment to get to !

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Free E.P. recorded while working on next full-length. Sold in physical form only once.


Jump Freighter Diverted (Holiday Cancellation)

As the title suggests . . . . . The planned base in null-sec has been postponed and the ships and equipment diverted to a low-sec system for future operations.

Apologies to the many gangs who would have benefited from ganking my little Rifter hulls with their mighty fleets.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Autopsy- Severed Survival (1989)

Tis the season to wear out your death metal favorites.



The 0.0 Experiment

I had received news from my agent in Jita that all the modules, equipment, ammunition, food, drink, drugs (combat, as well as recreational, ahem) and ships were all loaded into the jump freighter and ready for the instructed destination. I started to get an uneasy feeling in the bottom of my stomach, swirling around like an unwanted intestinal invader.

Destination - Syndicate region.

"A den of thieves, scoundrels, bandits, black market dealers, gamblers, pimps and prostitutes. All in all, a nice place for a holiday"

- Unnamed Gallente Senator

Sounds just like my kind of place. The plan was simple and daunting at the same time. I had planned to jump-freight 34 ships into null security space under the cover of darkness and stealth.This was going to be a holiday of sorts, a step into the void that is null-sec or 0.0, whatever you prefer, it can be and will be a daunting arena for the rookie combat pilot. I plan to use the vacation to sharpen my teeth, so to speak.

The 34 ships I have decided to take are as follows. 25 Rifters, 5 Jaguars, 2 Wolfs and 2 Republic Fleet Firetails. I have 5 different fits ready to roll for the Rifters and the others are pretty much standard issue. I fully expect each and every ship to die in some kind of grizzly, explosive fireworks cocktail.

The system I plan to base out of has been chosen as a staging post for raids into Cloud Ring, Outer Ring, Fountain, Great Wildlands and beyond as well as roaming around Syndicate. I am not taking any expensive implants out with me as I do fully expect to see a lot of medical bays over the coming weeks and hopefully months depending on my survivability rate.

Speaking of survivability . . . What are the chances of success on this holiday?

Very slim to poor. To be honest my hopes and expectations fall on me roaming around like some kind of anti-hero picking off lone ratters in poorly equipped ships, loitering on gates waiting for industrials to rumble past and fun duels with other like-minded pilots. In reality what I can probably expect is lots of gangs and bubbles, blobs and chest beating. I find that the majority of 0.0 dwellers tend to have a fear of flying without some mates along side them to hold their hands.

I will be documenting my travels in this journal, each and every exploding spaceship will be recorded here, I hope to have you, my reader, along for the ride. Even if it is going to be quite a bumpy one.

I hope I'm the anti-hero during this experiment.


This be the Source like, Paddy !

October 20th 2010.

Words fail me ...
A tear rolls down ... Followed by a smile like !

More visual Ploggings of some crazy adventures from the holy lands to come !!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wensley's Wasted Wednesday (Death In Their Garden)

I recently participated in a roam with a few friends of mine and it was nice to be in good company again. Sadly it was a roam which ended in the demise of our fleet. Still, you can't complain. We turned up in somebody's back garden, attempted to kick mud in their faces, scampered away over the fence and then went back for more when they were no doubt ready for us!

You can read about the roam here.

I logged back in today and made best speed for the quickest route out of null. Unfortunately I met a sticky end after being tackled by a Malediction and Dramiel. I got my pod away but then jumped into a nasty looking camp only a few jumps later. Game over.

I love these roams though and thoroughly enjoyed my evening and subsequent death the day after. New clone and teeth please.



Quick mission update >>>

Here's where I be at on this glorious hangover day !!

Thanks to everyone for all the birthday texts and comments !!!!
Awesome to have a lot of friends ! You guys rock !

More visual Ploggings to come from the heart of the Irish republic ... And also ... From ... the SOURCE !!!
Stay dry !

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

! 32 !

... Indeed!

More ploggables tomorrow !

It's really hard to focus in a town where your faviouritest drink ever tastes way better, is available at every street corner and for half the price of a pack of smokes!
Wish me luck !

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Foggy mornings

12 rolls of film , a lot of fish and chips and an astounding amount of Guinness later, I'm on the move again ...

This time ... Destination the source !

Catch ya on arrival !