Friday, October 29, 2010

Memorial Day Demo 99/00

The one and only, much sought after demo by Philadelphia/New Jersey's Memorial Day. Featuring Steve Crudello (guitarist of TURNING POINT ) , Brandon Wallace (played drums in every hardcore band ever from Philadelphia) and most importantly Skip Candelori, the vocalist from the almighty TURNING POINT. This is the last recorded project featuring Skip before his untimely passing in 2004.

This demo means alot to me, because it really shows that Memorial Day would have been a pivotal band if they had the chance to exist past this demo. I always search for the words to describe what Turning Point/The short-lived Godspeed / and Shorter- Lived Memorial Day mean to me, and always fall short. In my opinion, Memorial Day would have further left their mark in a genre that Turning Point helped pioneer.

So enjoy this piece of New Jersey history. Sadly, never released and largely unknown to even Turning Point fans...this Memorial Day demo means alot to the few that know of it, and hopefully this demo can reach some people who have not yet heard it, or have been searching for it. Enjoy, and always remember the legacy Skip left behind to largely help create melodic hardcore punk as we know it.

Memorial Day Demo

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