Saturday, October 9, 2010

Rough timings !

Today's postings ... Yesterday's doings !

Friday's session (as previewed on the Conspiracy blog) was the final final end end of the classic 4 (and a half) seasons sleeve !! True story ! Started in 2008 ... Finished yesterday ! Here's a bit of a preview for your eyes to enjoy ! The thing is ... This is a great example of a piece that is half healed and half fresh , touch-ups were done here and there and well ... The whole thing was pretty impossible to shoot ! So here's a quick look at the said piece but expect the final final shots to be taken in about a month ! The shots with less glare and blood and stuff !!

Sweet !!!

In other family blog news >>>>

-You guys totally have to go and check out the new and improved Conspiracy blog !!! Our very own shop Zorgon-web-wizard managed to outdo herself again and bring our humble little shop blog to the next level !!! Check a check a check it out !

-Mix master Eckel ... The blog posting wizard extraordinaire has yet again updated his blog with more sweet super shots !!!! Nothing's too good for us ! Check it out !!

-You happen to be into video action ? You don't hold it responsible in any way for the murder of the radio star ?? Check out the Uncle's video orgy galore pretty much on a regular posting basis !!! Some real sweet one's in there !!

Stay connected !!!
Got to run !

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