Saturday, November 27, 2010

Break time

Got myself a full day of doodling today and it was very welcomed! I'm just not used to not being able to doodle every day and am not liking it at all! But hell... Just two months left to go of this tattoo madness marathon and I'll be free again! Free to doodle all the time!

Here's a few sketchbook doodles from today, a few days ago and from my last UK trip!

Edinburgh spread scanned >

Copenhagain spread from last week >

London page >

The day's page >

Hope you like these as much as I do!! Have definitely made a sketchbook push lately! Having less time to paint, I tend to concentrate more on one page or a spread and put more time on that, instead of starting a hundred different pieces at the same time! The result is interesting and I think I like it! You might see more of these full sketchbook spreads in the future and maybe less "patches" ... Who knows ...

Back tomorrow with more unbelievably exciting visual adventures !!!
Stay colourful out there!

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