Monday, November 1, 2010


Another great day in Scot man's land !

Today was a hook-up with local homies and geek paint party day !!
I've been running around for most of this trip with never a minute to sit down and doodle ! And well I was well overdue ! Stuff piles up in my head ... Ideas that need to come out on paper ! Specially when I'm traveling and seeing all these new things around me !! So today was a well needed full day of doodling action !

Doodled a few here and there but did manage to finish this new spread in my current sketchbook ! The first page of the Scottish part of the trip (can you tell?) ...

Here's a wee better close up !!

More of these to come !!

Tomorrow ... ? No idea ... Let's see what happens !

Happy Novembers !

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